Have you ever had a moment when you think, “I can do better?” It’s like, when you first start running you’re so proud of running one mile without stopping. Then three. Then five. And so on. And then you’re proud when you run a mile under 10 or 9 or however many minutes. You sign up for your first race- 5k, half marathon, marathon- and are SO proud when you cross the finish line. Then, at some point, you don’t stop being proud, per se, but you realize that what you’ve just completed isn’t good enough. That you can do better.
I had one of those moments this last Saturday. I ran the Canyon Meadow 50K trail run in Oakland. I finished with a time of 7:25. I remember being proud that I finished, but thinking I could’ve gone MUCH faster if I weren’t wading in 2 feet of mud for most of the race. Then a funny thing happened. I realized that I ALWAYS make excuses for myself. There’s always SOMETHING that prevents me from being the best I could be. Instead of settling for being a mediocre runner, maybe I can aim for something a little higher. Since it’s too late to train for AR50 (which is in less than 3 weeks), I’m planning on summoning my inner Rocky and training with intensity for the Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance 50 Mile in July. Here are my plans:
-Aim to get a few 50-70 mile weeks
-Strength and cross train to help prevent my ol’ knees from breaking down
-Cut out junk miles and junk eating! This means miles and food that don’t have specific purpose, like running 2 miles when I could be resting or cross training. Or eating out of boredom. Does NOT mean cutting out junk food, because that always has a purpose. 😛
-Play Eye of the Tiger and run stairs in grey sweatsuit at least 3 times a week.
Some pictures from my lovely mud run this weekend:
On a weird note: as I was running (ok walk/hobbling) the last 5 miles I saw a deer leg on the trail. Whaa??? Gross. Poor Bambi…
Megan, I am so proud of you for just going to the race let alone finish it. It was a cold Saturday morning when I was enjoying my usual cup of steaming coffee and reading the newspaper…when it occurred to me that you are out on the muddy trail. A rush of guilt came over me so, I got on the treadmill to put in 3 miles…still feeling guilty…swam 1 mile which didn’t help. It was when you texted that you had just finished that I felt less guilty. I should have been at the finish line cheering you on. I realized that this was the first race where I wasn’t there for you. I wasn’t proud of myself but I sure was
very proud of you. Keep on running!
i actually ran the zombierunner marathon and you weren’t there! not to make you feel guilty but to assure you that it was fine. i know you love me and you know that if i need you there i’ll let you know. you’ll be putting in a lot of work on april 7th!!