Don’t Hate the Treadmill, Hate the Game

I went to the gym the other day and only lasted a mile on the treadmill. Not because I hate the treadmill, mind you. It’s more of its place in the gym. Physically. In the 24 Hour Fitness I go to, the treadmills either face the entrance–and I mean you’re staring head on at anyone who comes in–or a mirror. Either way it’s an awkward situation and not a pleasant view. Also, I’m super-competitive on gym treadmills. On other equipment I’m fine. I can sit back and enjoy a magazine on the bike, or go Level 1 on the Stairmaster and not care what anyone else thinks. But running is my domain, and I get competitive on the treadmill. If there’s an overweight 70 year old man next to me, I’ll be damned if he runs faster! And if there are some desperate housewives gossiping and power-walking on my other side, you’ll be darned sure I’ll outlast them. Which is why I usually end up sprinting a mile, cut my losses and stop, and pretend like that’s what I meant to do.

A few years ago I made my parents put a treadmill in their garage. It comes in handy when it rains. (And when I want to stop by their house and eat their food. And steal their toilet paper.)

The ideal treadmill situation: GU, chapstick, waterbottle, and One Tree Hill. Oh, and no competition!


On a side note, trying to decide if I should run this on Saturday:Coastal Trail Runs throws AWESOME races but it’s gonna be raining and I don’t like getting dirty! 31 miles in the rain might suck…